This week in practice I talked about Tiger Wood’s amazing comeback, highlighting the true meaning of determination, perseverance and leadership:
Everyone has a story.
Everyone has a past.
Everyone has messed up at some point in their lives.
It’s easy to judge a person while they’re at their lowest.
Every single person has a shot at writing a new chapter, a story that will inspire humanity. Regardless how dark their past is.
Who doesn’t like to witness an Epic comeback?
After a four surgeries and a public collapse of a career, Tiger Woods kept getting back up when he could have easily just walked away satisfied with what he had accomplished already.
ust imagine if all of us faced our greatest defeat, and as a response decided to relentlessly and silently prepare for 11 years when nobody is watching. Imagine if all of us were able to tune out the outside voices and put in the necessary work.
Can you imagine what we could we blossom into?
You too can overcome the times of hardships and trials. Do not despise these moments of struggle, as they are really preparation for the next chapter. And remember: the same mouth that bashed you while you’re down, will be the same mouth to praise you while you’re on top. So, take both judgment and praise with a grain of salt.
Mental game is the sharpest tool in the box.
It can break you or you can learn to use it.